of Disorders | Molar
Pregnancy | Fever
Birth |
|| Introduction || Clinical
Features || Difference
|| |
Obstructed labour could lead to death due
the following factors
Abnormalities in the function of uterine musculature |
Following factors may cause uterine inertia or irregular uterine contraction.
Nutritional disorders
Improper diet is one of the reasons to cause disturbances in doshas thus causing contractility of myometrium and also toxaemia of pregnancy, of which headache is a very common symptom.
Effect of
Psychology of an individual influences functioning of reproductive system, spasm or constriction of vagina. Abnormality of functions of nervous system are of two
- Absence of contraction or uterine inertia
- Excessive uterine contraction.
Daivayoga- Uterine inertia due to
- Idiopathic cause.
- Abnormalities of passage
Abnormalities of passage |
In the maternal passage following abnormalities are seen.
- Abnormalities of uterus
- Abnormalities of pelvis
- Abnormalities of cervix
- Rigidity of perineum
- Prolapse of cervix
