Ayurveda opines that the diseases of pregnant woman should be treated with the use of soft, sweet, cold, pleasing and gentle drugs, dietetics and
She should not be given emetics, purgatives or suberrhines (sternutatory drugs), bloodletting should not be done.
Asthapana and anuwasana basties (cleansing and nutritive enemas) should not be used frequently, however, if the disorder is acute, moderate use of these can be done.
After the eighth month the diseases curable by emetics etc. should be treated with gentle emesis etc, such as instead of emetics or purgatives the drugs causing spitting or suppositories respectively.
Use of pungent drugs, exercise and coitus should be avoided.
The pregnant woman should be treated just like a pot filled with oil, as slightest oscillation of such pot causes spilling of oil, similarly slightest excitement to the pregnant woman can initiate abortion etc.
If the disease is acute and/or serious, emetics should be given followed by use of sweet and sour edibles mixed with anulomaka (carminative) drugs.
All the pacifying drugs should be soft and be given alongwith food or drinks. Diet should consist of the articles, which are soft, sweet and harmless to the fetus.
Appropriate use (neither too less, nor excessive nor abnormal) of such gentle emetics etc. purifying measures should be done which are congenial to the fetus.
If the disease is very serious, the life of woman should be saved by use of drastic measures and pungent drugs (even if those are harmful to the fetus).
Use of, vatsaka, pippali sunthi and fruit of amalaki.
Unripe fruit of bilva mixed with curd and sugar is always beneficial.
The pregnant woman should never be given drastic purgatives.
If in fourth month of pregnancy the woman suffers from any disorder of vata, retention of urine due to vata and other pain etc. then eranda taila (castor oil) with milk should be given.
In fifth month she should be given asthapana basti (evacuative enema) containing sour and saltish drugs and anuwasana basti (nutritive enema) containing sweet substance.
During sixth month specially in cases of
granthi (lymphadenitis)
pidika (furunculosis)
sotha (inflammation)
rohini (pseudomembrane of throat)
vidradhi (abscess)
daruna-cikitsa (harsh or rough treatment i.e. use
of ksara, cauterization and surgery) should be done by wise physician.
In seventh month suppression of protuberant flesh (treatment of mole, cysts etc. by drugs or surgical measures), use of ksara and cauterization, reduction of fractured bone and other surgical treatment should be done.