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Vomiting during
Vata denotes nervous system including psychology of individual.
Abnormality of this may initiate vomiting by exaggerated or abnormal reflex action or in other words this heading indicates reflex and
psychogenesis factors as causation of hyper emesis.
Normally the woman desires the substances
which she is deficient in.
Non-fulfillment of these may produce certain deficiency and this may initiate vomiting.
Vomiting occurs either due to immune response of woman for trophoblastic hormones or idiopathic.
Vomiting during pregnancy can be termed in
the following
ways : |
- Mukhapraseka or hrllasa or Emesis gravidarum or morning sickness.
Chardi is described as a symptom of pregnancy.
- Dauhrdajanya chardi or Hyperemesis gravidarum.
- Dosaja chardi
is described by associating vomiting during pregnancy.
The principles of treatment are
identical to general vomiting, however, purifying measures such as emetics etc.
have to be avoided and drugs of sweet and soft nature are to be given.
Considering the likings of pregnant woman and relative dominance of different dosas,
the management of vomiting is done.
Use of pestled bhunimba with equal quantity of sugar
suppresses vomiting.
Flour of parched barley mixed with
decoction of sunthi and bilva cures diarrhoea and vomiting of pregnant woman.
Paste of dhanyaka mixed with rice water and sugar cures
pregnancy vomiting.
Pulp of bilva fruit mixed with liquid prepared from parched paddy relieves pregnancy vomiting.
An electuary prepared with juice of matulunga (lemon), parched paddy, kernel of kola (jujube), angina, dadimasara (seeds of pomegranate), sugar and honey cures vomiting due to
The salt free soup prepared by cooking meat of goat or buffalo with sour pomegranate and mixed with appetizing articles cures vomiting due to vata.
Rice water mixed with sugar, honey, flour of parched paddy, made palatable or appetizing mixture of pestled caturjataka and incensed with flowers cures vomiting due to
A drink prepared from parched paddy mixed with honey and sugar is beneficial.
Meat soup of wild animals or birds sweetened with sugar is congenial to the patient.
The cooled decoction of tender leaves of mango and blackberry mixed with honey relieves
vomiting due to kapha.
Soup of mudga (a kind of bean
i. e. green gram) medicated with seeds of pomegranate and mixed with salt and heated butter
works like an appetizer and relieves vomiting.
The decoction of root of punarnava and bhadradaru mixed with honey
is also given.
Garbhini-atisara or
Diarrhoea during Pregnancy
The treatment of diarrhoea of a pregnant woman is described on the basis of dominance of dosa i.e.
vatika, Paittika and Slaismika etc.
Due to the intake of incompatible edibles, eating before previous meal is digested, indigestion, over-eating, fear, suppression of natural urges, consumption of hard or solid substances, satiation, emaciation, use of uncooked roots, rhizomes or fruits and polluted water, dryness, hunger, grief, eating of heavy or abhisyandi (likely to cause obstruction to
srotasas) articles,etc., the water content of body is excreted with force, which results in
In amatisara (diarrhoea having sufficient quantity of mucus in faeces) pacana (digestive) drugs and in pakwatisara
(faeces not containing mucus), stambhaka (constipating) drugs should be prescribed.
