|| Advices
woman from the very first day of pregnancy
should |
- Remain in high spirit, pious,
decorated with ornaments, wear clean
white garments and perform religious
rites. Do auspicious deeds and
worship deity, brahmanas and priest.
- Her sleeping and sitting place should
be covered with soft cushion or
mattress, not be very high, possess
elevated upper portion for headrest and
should be perfect and very comfortable.
- She should use palatable, liquid,
sweet and unctuous substances treated
with appetizing things. This mode of
life should be continued till delivery.
- Use of jivaniya group of drugs for
preparing water for bathing or
irrigation etc), and for powder, cold
percolation, decoction etc.
- Usage butter, ghrta and milk etc.
- Diet should be taken considering place
of living, time or season and digestive
- Usage meritorious, auspicious, pious,
new and intact or unbroken garments and
ornaments possessing masculine names.
- No article bearing feminine or common
gender name should ever be used.
- Abode should be fumigated (with
fragrant drugs), where worships are
being performed, is free from insects
like mosquito etc. Vedic hymns are being
recited by brahmanas and songs and
instruments are being played.
- The woman after leaving her bed in the
morning and performing daily routine
should get busy in paying obeisance to
the priests and deity and worshiping the
rising sun with perfumes, incense, and
- She should take bath daily and remain
well behaved.
- She should use hot water, milk and
meat. Milk provides nourishment and
stability to the foetus; meat helps in
achievement of pregnancy, provides
nourishment to the foetus, suppresses
vata of pregnant woman, meat soup is the
best medicine for her, meat treated with
milk or mixed with sour articles or salt
is also beneficial.
following things are also useful for a
pregnant woman |
- Use of surana (an edible tuber)
- Use of sail and sastika rice
- Mudga (green gram)
- Wheat
- Flour of parched rice
- Rasala (curd mixed with sugar and
- Honey, sugar
- Jack-fruit
- Banana
- Fruit of amalaki
- Draksa, sour and sweet substances
- Anointment with cooling agents
- Musk, sandal and camphor
- Wearing of garlands
- Moonlight bath
- Massage
- Soft bed, cool air
- Anabolic or gratifying edibles
- Pleasant atmosphere
The cold decoction of
pulp of bilva, karpasa, phamphana, (petals
of rose), picumanda, agnimantha, jatamamsi
and pounded leaves of eranda or the water
prepared with sarvagandha (all fragrant)
drugs should be used for bathing by the
pregnant woman.
