Breast-feeding should start from the day of birth. This not only facilitates healthy galactogenesis in
the mother, but also helps develop better mother-child relationship.
Further, the colostrum, which is the secretion from the breast prior to lactation for 3-4 days, is a rich source of specific anti-bodies. Ingestion of colostrum starts building the immune system from the stage of infancy.
To enhance the immune system and intellectual capacity of
new-born, preparations known as
lehya yogas are to be given right from the day of birth till 1 to 12 months of age. These preparations contain honey and ghee as base and few natural
immuno-modulators, the best of which is said to be the calx or the plain leaves of gold (known as Sone ka wark - used in India for icing the sweets). According to Ayurvedic paediatrics, administration of gold is reported totally safe.
Benefits of Gold |
- Improves memory.
- Improves digestive and metabolic functions.
- Strengthens defence mechanism.
- Ensures long healthy life.
- Alleviates/prevents infectious diseases.
- Helps in further growth and development.
- Improves complexion and if given for six month's regularly makes a child
SRUTADHAR, i.e. not forgetting what is learnt.
Personal Care
Mother's milk is supposed to be the best for child for physical as well as
psychological development. In absence of mother's milk, cow's milk or goat's milk
can be considered. Apart from this
- Massaging the oil on body.
- Skin pack applications.
- Medicated baths.
- A comfortable bed, a peaceful and a well-ventilated bedroom makes the child relaxed and helps it grow well.
Dhoopa (Fumigation)
- The fumigation or dhoopan methods are mainly aimed at sterlising the environment.
- Some of the dhoopan yogas are claimed to have vitalising, enlivening and
invigorating properties too.
- Dhoopan is served generally by burning a combination of drugs of herbal, animal and mineral origin, in or near the place where young babies are kept.
- They release medicated fumes and sterlise the air for prophylactic and curative purposes.
Drugs used for dhoopan in children are different gums and oleo-resins
which are listed below
- Bedellium
- Cedar-gum
- Lacca
- Valerian bark
- Lappa root
- Sweet flag
- Margosa leaves
- Basil leaves
- Sandalwood
- And animal products like snake skin, hairs, horns, dried excreta and nails of different animals.
Types of dhupa are
- Kumara dhupa - helps in growth and development.
- Rakshoghna dhupa - prevents from infections especially
during epidemics.
- Shishuka dhupa - curative and preventive in relation to infections or disease especially
during childhood.
- Brahma dhupa - boosts intellectual functions.
- Gana dhupa - treats diseases of unknown aetiology.
Lehya Yogas-
Paste like Preparation for Licking - Confections
Lehya yogas are used to build up general resistance and restore good health in children.
- Drugs like Shatavari, Guduchi, Kutki, Anantmool, Tulsi and Ativisha have got immunomodulatory properties.
- Different fever, RTI and skin eruptions have been found to give good response to reduce the frequency and intensity of diseased conditions.
- Depending on the need of a child, a practitioner of a herbal medicine can start the administration of one or more
of these drugs.
- These medicines may be given in the form of a powder 1-2 gms mixed with honey.
But if the child finds it unpalatable, syrup or a paste having the consistency of honey may be prepared and administered, in order to get better compliance.
- All the herbs used here should be freshly collected and properly dried before they are subjected to formulation process.