Complications of Raktagulma
- Fever
- Anorexia
- Dyspnoea
- Cough
- Consumption
- Emaciation
- Uneasiness
- Pain
- Edema
- Besides excessive bleeding may also occur during the process of its
Important things that should be avoided |
- Use of ruksa (dry or free from fat), vidahi (producing burning sensation) and guru (heavy)
- Exercise
- Coitus and too much worrying
- Use of pacana (digestive) drugs
- Movements of hips (excessive)
- Sudation
- Massage
- Walking and jumping etc. are harmful
- Hot and vidahi things
- Meat soup of wild animals
Prognosis is poor for gradually accumulating gulma involving larger
- solid
- having deep seated roots
- covered with net of vessels
- associated with weakness
- anorexia
- nausea
- cough
- vomiting
- uneasiness
- fever
- thirst
- drowsiness
- hiccough
- flatulence
- pain
- coryza
- dyspnoea
- edema
is incurable
The patient of gulma already having fever
- dyspnoea
- vomiting
- diarrhoea
also develops edema over cardiac and umbilical region and also on extremities, then the patient dies.