(Clinical Features)
The women suffers from
- Colic
- Cough
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Anorexia
- Indigestion
- Body ache
- Feeling of stillness
- Excessive salivation
- Milk appears in her breasts
- Lips and areola become black
- Heaviness in eyes or drooping of eyelids
- Unconsciousness
- Nausea
- Edema of feet
- Dilatation of yoni (Vaginal canal)
- Foul smelling vaginal discharges
Cause of Resemblance of Raktagulma with foetus
- Though Raktagulma does not behave (does not quiver due to different body parts) like foetus, however, due to resemblance with foetus and psychological feeling of being pregnant, the woman behaves as if she is pregnant.
- Presence of clinical features simulating pregnancy is a specific character of the disease.
Causes of appearance of desires in Rakta Gulma
- The specific rasa responsible for development of a particular dhatu (dosa and Dhatus) are desired in case of their requirement in the body.
- Since Raktagulma is characterized with accumulation of rakta in association of vata and pitta, hence the woman craves for articles of katu (hot) amla (sour) and lavana (salty) rasas(tastes)
Cause of appearance of milk in breast in Raktagulma
- The woman considers herself pregnant and has affection and determinations for her foetus.
- Due to this affection, milk is formed and excreted through breasts.
Cause of appearance of anemia in Raktagulma
- All the rasavaha nadis (blood vessels) are situated around the umbilicus, which are compressed by the growing foetus.
- Accumulating and developing Raktagulma also compresses these rasavaha nadis.
- Due to this compression rasa does not flow freely in the body resulting into Panduta (whitish yellow colouration) of cheeks etc.
Why Raktagulma increases in size?
- Due to similarity in process of growth (of foetus and gulma both) the woman considers herself pregnant and protects herself.
- She never uses harmful things and avoids exercise, use of pungent or hot articles and ksaras. Thus the protected Raktagulma grows gradually.
- After some time due to use of contrary or harmful things this Raktagulma get loosened, separated and is expelled completely along with blood through vaginal passage in the same way as water drains completely from a pot broken at the bottom.