Puerperal disorders are the diseases, which occur, in puerperal period or sutikakala, which is considered
as one and half month after birth of the child or reappearance of menstruation.
Puerperal disorders are either incurable or cured with great difficulty.
The Puerperal Disorders are
listed below |
Yonibheda (vaginal tear)
- Yonisofa (inflammation/edema of vagina)
- Yonivedana or yonisula (pain in vagina)
- Prsthasula (backache)
- Kamala (jaundice)
- Jvara (fever)
- Atisara (diarhoea)
- Malarodha (constipation)
- Yonidosa (gynaecological disorders)
- Daurbalya (weakness)
- Bhrama (giddiness)
- Grahabadha (acute infective disorders)
- Stanaroga (disease of breast)etc.
Etiology |
The factors responsible for puerperal disorders are
- Outings during nighttime
- Terror or fright
- Sudden fall
- Jealousy
- Grief
- Fear
- Anger
- Suppression of various natural urges
- Sleeping during the day
- Eating even during indigestion
- Eating before the previous meal is digested etc.
Treatment for puerperal disorders
- Avoidance of etiological factors is the best medicine.
- Intake of congenial diet and proper administration of oleaginous substances with due consideration to the place of living, time factor and suitability of the disease.
- Treatment with massage, anointment, irrigation and ghrta, oil or decoction prepared with bhautika (capable of eradicating bhuta), jivaniya (life prolonging), brmhaniya (anabolic), madhura (sweet) and vatahara (capable of suppressing vata) drugs alongwith specific dietetics.
- The woman who had difficulty during labour should be given oleation and sudation, which suppress the
- Rice-gruel with appetizing drugs should be given as the woman becomes healthy and gets enough sleep.
- Treatment capable of suppressing vayu or on the basis of aggravation of dosas and strength (of the woman) should be
- Use of medications like trivruta yoga, dashmularishta,
prataplankeshwar rasa is also advised.