Due to use of non-congenial
diet or harmful mode of life, the woman who had
abortion, normal or abnormal labour suffers from serious
raktavidradhi which produces burning sensation and
After abortion or abnormal delivery, if some products
of conception are retained, these may get infected and
cause inflammation and suppuration thus producing
abscess in the uterus.
Sometimes in normally delivered woman the blood which
has not been excreted from the uterus causes
makkallasula which subsequently produce raktavidradhi,
this vidradhi if not relieved within a week gets
suppurated. The suppuration occurs due to internal heat
generated by pitta and after suppuration it becomes
Even in normally delivered woman due to infection
some inflammation and suppuration inside the uterus or
pelvic cavity may occur. If blood clots are
retained in the uterus these may facilitate growth of
pyogenic bacteria's.
The abscess of uterus and pelvic cavity are difficult
to be cured even today. Raktavidradhi thus means
acute puerperal pyometra or pelvic abscess.