1) Dvireta |
When the foetus i.e.
child manifests both the male and female genital
2) Ranta or Varta |
Defect in the genes of
the genital organs in the female. Depending on the
severity, she may be sterile, have abortions or have
no qualities of female at all.
3) Trnaputrika or
Trnapulika or Trnamukha |
Defect in the genes of
the genital organs in the male. Depending on the
severity of the defect, he may be sterile or may not
have any qualities of the male.
4) Nara sandha |
Such a male person looks
like and behaves like a female. Such a person is born
as a result of intercourse with father lying supine
and mother taking active part in the intercourse. The
sperms are absent.
5) Nari sandha |
Such a female behaves
like a male and enjoys sexual union with another
female. The ovum is absent.
6) Anasthi vatika sandha |