| Measures Suggested
Methods of Pumsawanakarma
Two intact, healthy leaf-buds (sunga) plucked from two eastern or northern branches of a Banyan tree grown in a cowshed, alongwith two perfect (possessing good
rasa, virya etc.) seeds of dhanya masa (a kind of kidney bean) and gaura sarsapa (yellow mustard) should be taken with
curd during Pusya
Similarly the paste of jivaka, rsabhaka, apamarga and sahacara etc.(plants grown in a cowshed) collectively, individually or few of them
should be taken (during pusya naksatra) after treating (cooking or
mixing) these with milk.
Kudyakita (an insect making abode with wet soil to seal other small
insects and laying its eggs) and fish mixed with one anjali (handful) of water should be taken during pusya
An anupramana (very small) red hot man shaped structure made with
gold, silver or iron, should be dipped in handful of curd, milk or water and total quantity should be taken during pusya
The woman should inhale the steam of Sali pisti (dough of rice or pestled rice) being cooked during pusya
naksatra. The same dough should be squeezed and the juice collected in swab.
The pregnant woman keeping the head on a doorsill should instill herself few drops from this swab in her right nostril.