| Methods
Other measures suggested by brahmanas, senior persons and ladies
- The drug laksmana, vatasunga (leafbuds), sahadeva, viswadeva etc.should be pestled with cow's milk, and 3-4 drops of expressed juice
should be instilled in right nostril by the woman desirous of a son.
She should not spit it.
- Observing flowers and fruits on the laksamana plant during Saradartu (early winter season).· It should be uprooted during pusyayoga on Saturday evenings with chanting of mantras.
On some other day, after sunset during Hastamula or Pusya nakshatra
the khadirakilaka (roots of khadira) should be dug chanting mantras in ¼ quantity of laksmana. Both these should be pestled with milk of cow having calf of similar colour, and a few drops of it should be instilled in right
- The woman desirous of a son or daughter should instill herself in right
or left nostril respectively, the juice expressed from pestled root of swetabrhati uprooted during pusya nakshatra.
- Similarly
leaves of utpala and kumuda, root of laksmana and eight vatasunga should be used.
- The woman wearing white garland and garments should take pestled root of laksmana uprooted during pusya naksatra, in the quantity indentical to fruit of udumbara, with cow's milk for getting a male child.
- Similarly gauradanda, nagnajihwa, apamarga, jiwaka,
rsabhaka, sankhapuspi, adhyanda or kapikacchu, sahacara, agnijihwa and eight leaf-buds of vata can be used individually or two / three together.
- The root of laksmana pestled with cow's milk should be taken orally or through nostril for achievement of son, similarly leaf-buds of vata can also be used.
- The drugs of jiwaniya group can be used externally or orally.
- One leaf of palasa should be taken orally with milk.
- The woman using root of sukarasimbi or pulp of dadhiphala
(kapittha fruit) or seeds of iswaralingi pestled with milk never delivers a girl but
always a boy.
- Oral use of root of putramanjari and visnukranta and seeds of
iswaralingi for eight days during pregnancy never results in birth of a girl, always a boy is born.