Post Hysterectomy Features:
The uterus has functions other than reproduction, it is also an organ of emotion and creativity. When it is removed, feelings of emotional imbalance and insecurity can arise. Along with hormonal imbalance, the system will tend to become devitalized. The metabolism may be deranged and excess weight will be put on.
These factors primarily serve to increase vata. Depression, ungroundedness and anxiety may increase. The other humors can increase as well, usually according to what is predominant in the general constitution.
Women having Pitta will experience more anger, irritability and heat sensations.
Women having Kapha will accumulate more water and phlegm, feel more tired or sentimental.
General treatment:
These include shatavari, aloe gel, saffron and their preparations or
Chyavanprash. Herbs that balance the mind and calm the emotions are helpful gotu kola, calamus, Bhringaraj, Jatamansi or Brahmi
Immediately after surgery, herbs that are used to promote healing are turmeric and arjuna.