Dashvidha pariksha or the tenfold examination consists of the examination of the prakruti (body constitution), vikruti (pathological state), sara (tissue vitality), samhanana (physical build), pramana (body measurement), satmya (adaptability), sattva (psychic constitution), ahara shakti (digestive capacity), vyayama shakti (capacity for exercise) and vaya (age).
The prakruti of a person is one of the important factors of the tenfold examination which helps in diagnosing a disease.
There is always some variation of doshas in our body. Our prakruti is important for determining the susceptibility to different diseases, the course of a disease, its complications and the overall prognosis. Ultimately, the treatment is based on an individual's constitution.
The foetal body develops its habits from the nature of the spermoplasm, the length of the period of foetal life, the nature of the mother's diet, behaviour and the nature of the proto-elemental combinations.