Formulations for vitalizers
The vitalizers (rasayanas) are so called because they help to replenish the vital fluids of the body. Chyavanaprasha, Pippali rasayana, Triphala rasayana and Shilajita rasayana are a few such rasayanas. In addition to these, the Achara rasayana also holds an important place in geriatrics.
Chyavanaprasha is the elixir of Rishi Chyavana and celebrated as the highest rasayana. It is specially recommended for the cure of cough and dyspnea and as a body-builder, for those suffering from pestoral lesions, the old and for the children.
Preparation and dosage
- Take herbs like dashmula (a group of ten herbs), bala (country mallow), musta (nut grass), jivanti (cork's swallow root), jivaka (Microstylis wallichii), rishabhaka (Microstytis Sp.), utpala (Indian blue water lily), green gram and black gram, Pippali (long pepper), srngi (Pistacia integerrima), meda (Litsea glutinosa), Bhumya malk (Embelic myrobalan), agaru kashth (eagle wood),
draksa (grapes), pushkara mula (German iris), chandana (sandal wood), shati (zedoary), Punarnava (spreading hogweed), the two kakoli (Roscoea), kakanasa (small stinking swallow root), two brihatis (Indian night shade and yellow berried night shade),
amrutadvaya (Tinospora cordifolia and Chebulic myrobalan), vidari (White yam), root of vasa (malabar nut) and cardamom.
- Boil the given herbs weighing one pala each (50 gm) in one drona (13 litres) of water and when decoction is reduced to one-fourth, filter it.
- To this decoction, add fruits of dhatri (amalaka) five hundred in number (5 kg and 850 gm approx.) and cook.
- When the decoction gets reduced to a quarter, squeeze the cooked dhatri fruits and remove their seeds obtaining only the soft pulp.
- Fry this in oil and ghee-12 pala (600 gm) each, add half tula (2 kg) of matsyandika (sugar candy) to it and cook to form a confection.
- After cooling, add honey (half the quantity of oil), four pala (200 gm ) of tavaksiri, two pala (100 gm) of pippali and chaturjata with half the quantity of kana (pippali). This avaleha (confection) is Chyavanaprasha. It should be consumed in suitable dose daily by the person who is residing in the special apartment and partaking only suitable foods.
- It is said that by consuming this rasayana, sage Chavana who though tormented by old age, became young again.
- It cures cough, dyspnea, fever, heart diseases, gout, diseases of urine and semen and disorders of speech.
- It helps in the growth of the children, the aged, the wounded and emaciated.
- It bestows great intelligence, memory, complexion, healthy state, long life and downward movement (normal) of pavana
- It sharpens the sense organs, increases the digestive fire, desire for sex and strength of the body if used in the proper manner.
