In ancient times, the saints used to live a very long and healthy life. They had knowledge of herbs and they used to follow an Ayurvedic routine, which helped them in maintaining good health. Rasayanas or vitalizers are also such preparations.
They are of two types:
i) Kutipraveshika rasayana
- This treatment is done in isolated condition i.e. the person is kept away from the outer world and the whole treatment is given in a kuti (cottage), specially made for this karma.
- Medicinal formulations like Brahma rasayana, Chyavanaprasha, Amalki rasayana, Haritaki yoga, etc. are Kutipraveshika
- Kutipravesha method is suitable only to those who are free of all encumbrances and who can afford all the paraphernalia required.
ii) Vatatapika (Suryamarutika) rasayana
- Medicinal formulae, which can be consumed by avoiding sun and wind and do not cause any harm to the body, even though deficiencies occur in improvising comfort (during the treatment) are known as vatatapika rasayana.
- Medicinal formulations like cold water, milk, honey and ghee, each one separately or in combination of two, three or all consumed together before food, withholds ageing.
- People consuming two pathya (haritaki) daily along with jaggery, honey, sunthi (dry ginger) and krsna or lavana (rock salt), live happily for four hundred years.
