Dr. Mikao Usui, a Buddhist monk in the city of Kyoto, Japan began a twenty - eight year research to rediscover how Lord Buddha had healed. The Traditional Reiki story begins with Dr. Usui, but Reiki was ancient even then. Dr Usui began his quest by visiting and asking head monks of the different Buddhist sects if they could heal the body. Could they perform the healing miracles the Buddha performed? They always had the same answer. They felt that healing of the spirit and the healing of the body were not always directly connected.
Finally, Dr. Usui met the abbot of the Zen monastery. The Zen abbot realized that there was a young man before him who had the gift to rediscover the lost art of physical healing as practised by the Buddha. Dr Usui asked if he might stay and study at the Zen monastery in Kyoto. He was accepted.
Under the Zen abbot's guidance, Dr. Usui began meditation, reading the sutras, the writing and teachings of the Buddha. Dr. Usui first mastered Sanskrit and then the Tibetan language. He discovered what he felt to be the formula to healing in the teachings of the Tibetan Buddhist Sect. The material did not give information on how to activate the energy and put it to use. He needed to go though the test.
The test was prayer, fasting and meditation on a holy mountain, in the north of Kyoto in Japan, called Koriyama. He climbed the mountain and chose his meditation spot facing the east. He piled twenty-one stones in front of him to mark the days, throwing away one stone each morning. On the final morning, Usui awakened to a darkened morning, in the darkest hour just before dawn, when no light shone in the heavens before the breaking of the dawn. On waking he could not see even his hands in front of him. He found his way to the meditation spot and picked up the last stone. He prayed before throwing the last stone off the side of Koryama, asking for confirmation of the formula together with enlightenment on how to use it.
Dr. Usui threw the stone and it rolled the side of Koriyama. Then he saw light on the eastern horizon moving towards him. It began getting brighter and brighter as it came directly at him. His response was to run from it. He composed himself and decided to accept what was coming in answer to his prayer, even if it resulted in his death. The light became very bright as it streamed across the sky and struck his third eye opened and entered his body. However, he was alive but had merely lost his consciousness. He was in an euphoric state. He saw "millions and millions of rainbow bubbles" and finally the Reiki symbols as if on a screen. As he saw each of the symbols, he was given the information about each of them to activate the healing energy. It was the first Reiki Attunement, the psychic discovery of an ancient method.
"Reiki" was the name Usui gave to the newly discovered healing energy. Reiki means 'Universal Life Force Energy'. He took the method into the slums of Kyoto. There he lived for seven years giving healings from early morning to late at night. Dr. Usui had by now discovered the five Principles of Reiki.
Mikao Usui became a pilgrim, taking Reiki on foot through Japan, carrying a torch and lecturing. Usui met Chujiro Hayashi during his travels. Hayashi was a retired naval officer still on reserve status. Hayashi received his Reiki Masters training from Usui in 1925 at the age of forty-seven and became Mikao Usui's successor. Usui died in 1930 and is said to have empowered around eighteen Reiki Masters. It was in 1935 that Hawayo Takata entered Chujiro Hayashis 'Shina No Machi' Clinic for treatment.
Widowed and with two small daughters to raise, Hawayo Takata developed nervous exhaustion and severe physical problems. She was scheduled for surgery after several weeks of rest in the hospital
