Ans : Fibroid means a benign growth within the muscular wall of the uterus.
They are abnormal growths in the
uterus made of muscular and fibrous tissue. They occur singly or in groups
and their size varies accordingly.
Q.2) Whom does it affect the most?
Ans: It is most common between the age-group
of 35-55 years.
Q.3) What are the symptoms and signs of Fibroids? |
Ans: Usually fibroids present with
- Fatigue.
- Recurrent miscarriage.
- During pregnancy, abnormal position of the foetus in the uterus.
- Fibroids may also press on the: bladder, causing a need to urinate often; rectum, causing back pain and constipation.
- Sudden pain in the lower abdomen.
- Infertility
- Abdominal lump
- White discharge.
- Menstrual disorders : Menorrhagia [excessive blood loss]
hoea (painful menses);
- Pain
Q.4) What are the treatment measures? |
Ans: The treatment measures for small unsymptomatic fibroids
usually is not required; but frequent check-up
is essential.
For symptomatic fibroids
Conservative treatment
- Palliative - for bleeding phase
Haemostasis and bed rest
Blood transfusion.
Treatment for anemia
Balanced diet
- Iron: orally or parenterally
- Blood transfusion, in case of heavy or rapid blood loss.
Surgery is usually performed in case of symptom-producing tumours and
fibroids with secondary changes.
Abdominal and Vaginal
- Myomectomy is excision of the tumour from the uterus.
It is beneficial for young females below 35 years or
females keen to have a baby.
- Hysterectomy means removal of uterus with the tumour.
It is usually performed in women having persistent, large multiple fibroids.
Women not desirous of having any more children or
if myotectomy is not feasible.
Q.5) What is the prognosis? |
In some women removal of fibroids leads to fertility. Among 10%
of the females, fibroids recur.
After menopause usually the size of the fibroids shrinks rapidly.
Q.6) What are the Associated factors / risk factors?
Ans: Some associated factors are as follows
- Infertility
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Oestrogen dependency
- Increased blood supply of uterus
- Heredity