The homoeopathic system of medicine
develops for its special use, the inner medicinal powers of the crude substances
by means of a process peculiar to it and, which has
hitherto never been tried. The substances become
immeasurably and penetratingly efficacious and remedial.
This remarkable change in the qualities
of natural bodies develops the latent, hitherto
unperceived, hidden, dynamic powers, which influence the
life principle, change the well-being of animal life. This
is effected by mechanical action upon their smallest
particles by means of rubbing and shaking and through the
addition on an indifferent substance, dry or fluid. This
process is called dynamizing or potencizing (development
of medicinal power) and the products are dynamizations or
potencies in different degrees.
Potencization is not to be confused
with simple dilution which does not develop the pure drug
into a medicinal dose nor brings out its latent curative
energy. Potencization or Dynamization, in the words of Dr.
Hahnemann, develops the medicinal powers hidden within and
manifests them more and more or if one may say so
spiritualises the material substance itself. The terms ‘potencization’
and ‘dynamization’ have a literal significance because
the curative power of a drug increases in direct
proportion to successive homeopathic dilutions.
There are two processes: Succussion and
Succussion :- By this process the Dynamisation of the
liquid drugs are made. For this purpose, three
scales are used: Decimal, Centesimal, and 50
Trituration :- This process is used for drug
substances, which are insoluble in liquid vehicles. An
ideal process for the trituration of medicines is, by
using milk sugar, and made by constant rubbing
through. Two
scales are in use for trituration: Decimal and Centesimal.
To prepare a medicine of one potency on
the centesimal scale one part of the drug is diluted with
99 parts of the diluents vehicle, an inert or known
non-medicine substance, usually sugar of milk or rectified
spirit. Thereafter, and it is a must, the drug is mixed
through rubbing or shaking for about an hour. The
resultant total has one potency. Out of the above 100 pats
of potency , one part is taken and mixed with another 99
parts of the diluents. After rubbing or shaking for
another one hour, potency two is produced. Thus one can
get the frequently used potencies of 30, 200, 1,000 10,000
1,00,000 and so on.
Today all these potencized drugs are
made under scientifically controlled conditions in various
laboratories with the help of modern machinery. One can
imagine the labour, which doctors had to put into this
effort in Dr. Hahnemann’s time. But such was the zeal of
the innovators that in those days also, potencies up to
200 and beyond were manufactured and used on patients with
excellent results.
The principle of dynamization was not
established overnight. For years Dr. Hahnemann was
experimenting. The doses of the well-chosen drug had to be
adjusted. It took a long time even for Dr. Hahnemann to
obtain a clear insight into the aggravation occurring
after strong doses or about the astounding effect of
highly dynamited medicines.
In his lifetime he used potencization
of 1/1800,000,000,000. From practical observation, he
found that the greater the potencization, the greater was
the power of the medicine in curing the symptoms
homeopathically indicated. Not only that, his experiments
and observations brought out another revolutionary fact,
that certain substances generally considered to be inert
and without any medicinal power in their natural form, for
example, common salt, wood charcoal, sand, lime, etc.,
were converted into extremely efficacious medicines when
potencized in neutral medium like milk sugar or alcohol.
Thus homeopathy kept on humanizing under the assistance of
Dr Hahnemann.