Holistic Medicine

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Medicines | Sources | Preparation

Treatment | Storing & Dosage


          Homeopathic medicines are derived from the mineral and plant kingdoms, and a minority from the animal kingdom. 

          Hahnemann, during his lifetime, tested out many substances through a process  called  proving. In  proving, a number of healthy people repeatedly take a particular substance, and then keep meticulous notes about any symptoms or experiences that result due to intake of that particular substance. In this way, it is possible to discover which symptoms that same substance can cure in a person who is ill. There are over two thousand homeopathic medicines available, and more proving is being conducted worldwide.

The Medicines are divided into following groups.

  • Vegetable Kingdom

  • Animal Kingdom

  • Mineral Kingdom

  • The Sarcodes

  • The Nosodes

  • Imponderabilia

Vegetable Kingdom

Medicines are made from different parts of a plant e.g. Leaves, root, stem etc. They are prepared also from seeds and juices of plant

Animal Kingdom

Medicines are prepared from :

  • Various secretions of animals.

  • A particular layer of shells.

  • Milk of various animals.

  • Occasionally from venoms of snakes

Mineral Kingdom

Metals like aluminium, cuprum, iron, platinum, gold, silver, non-metalic sources like iodine, sulphur and many salts like sodium chloride, calcium carbonate etc. are used to prepare medicines.


Sarcodes are obtained from healthy endocrine glands or normal secretions of living human organs or lower animals. E.g.. Secretions of thyroid and adrenaline glands become very efficient medicines after potentisation


The disease is treated by means of a causal agent or a product of disease. 

In this group, medicines are prepared from energy, available from natural and physical reactions. E.g. energy from radium magnet.


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