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Homoeopathy was discovered by a German physician, Samuel Christian Frederick Hahnemann in the year 1790. He was an Allopath. He obtained his Degree of M.D., from the University of Erlangen.

From the year 1779 to the year 1790, Hahnemann translated several medical books from English to German. He had even started his medical practice, but was not satisfied with the system of medicine, and so he leaned towards literary work for the support of his family. It was during the year 1790 that he started the translation from English to German of William Cullen’s “A Treatise on Materia Medica”. It was during the translation of this book that Hahnemann stumbled across the great phenomena of Homoeopathy. 

It was clearly stated in the book that if Cinchona bark was taken by a healthy human being it would produce the same symptoms as that of Malaria. On the other hand, Cinchona bark was used for the cure of Malaria.

Hahnemann could not believe it and to find the real effect of Cinchona, he took 4 drachms of Cinchona juices every day, and to his great surprise, was attacked with the symptoms similar to that of Malaria. He then discontinued taking the drug and soon became healthy as before.

For a couple of years he experimented more drugs on himself, his family members and his close associates, and was convinced that the medicines had produced certain effects on healthy human beings. If these signs and symptoms are seen in a diseased person and if the drug is administered on a principle of similars, it would bring about a cure on the principle of Homoeopathy, i.e. "Similia Similibus Curantur"-"Like cure Likes".

Thus in the year 1796, Homoeopathy was discovered.



Homeopathy was such a successful medical innovation that it spread throughout Europe and the United States as well.  The national healthcare systems of a number of European countries, including the United Kingdom, France, and Norway, utilize homeopathic medicine. 

Initially, homeopathy received considerable recognition for its effectiveness in treating epidemics of life-threatening illness, including cholera, scarlet fever, and yellow fever. By 1900, approximately one in every five medical doctors was a homeopath. But due to various reasons , homeopathic colleges soon closed down and interest in homeopathy  went on declining spree.

Fortunately, the homeopathic scene has advanced dramatically over the past years. More books and articles have been published about homeopathy worldwide in the last five years than in the preceding fifty. 

             The tremendous resurgence of interest in homeopathy is being fueled to a large degree by public demand for safer, effective, and natural health care. 


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