31) Sodhana Rasa-Kriya (Thickened Extracts) |
- The ulcers that fail to get cleansed by applying oils, as well as those having granulating surfaces rigidly fixed (to the deeper structures) should be cleansed (medicinal Debridement done) by the application of thick extracts of the drugs.
- After having prepared a decoction from the drugs it should again be cooked with alum,
kasisa, manahsila and haritala. then it should be mixed by rubbing with Matulunga and honey and should let it remain applied for a maximum of three days on the ulcer.
32) Sodhana Avacurnana (Dusting of Medicinal powders)
- the shallow and foul smelling ulcerative lesions
associated with vitiated medas are treated by dusting them
with fine powder of drugs mentioned for preparing
cleansing wicks.
33) Dhupana or vranadhupana (Fumigation of the ulcer)
- Fumigation should be done with ksyoma, yava, ghrta and drugs of dhupana group for the lesions, which are afflicted with vitiated vata, are extremely painful and are also associated with a discharge.
Utsadana (Encouraging granulation tissue formation) |
- Utsadana is indicated for poorly granulating, deep and dry ulcers, by local applications of ghrta processed with Utsadana group of drugs. Such a patient should eat meat of carnivorous animals, since meat consumption helps
in building up body tissues in patients who are free from mental stress.
35) Avasadana (Medicinal Cautrisation of granulation tissue)
- Avasadana is indicated for ulcers with excessive, raised and soft granulation tissue formation.
- It should be carried out with the powders of appropriate drugs mentioned earlier, mixed with honey.
36) Mrdukarma (softening procedures)
- Indurated Vatika ulcers with little granulation tissue formation should be subjected to the softening procedures and blood letting; oleation and irrigation with vata eliminating drugs should also be carried out.
- Firm bandaging causes softening of the ulcerative lesions and heals them fast.
37) Darunakarma (induction of Fibrosis)
- If granulation tissue in the ulcerative lesion is soft , hardening procedures would be beneficial.
- Finely powdered dhava, priyangu, asoka, rohini-bark, triphala, Dhataki flowers, rodhra and sarjarasa in equal proportions should be sprinkled over the ulcers for the purpose.
38) Ksarakarma (Application of caustics)
- Cleansing by the application of alkali (caustics) should be carried out in cases of
indurated, itching and chronic ulcers, which are hard to clean and have raised granulation tissue.
39) Agnikarma (fire cautery)
- Calculogenic urinary fistulae, bleeding wounds, as well as those, which have cut through the entire joints, should be treated by fire
40) Krsnakarma (Pigmenting procedures)
- Blackening is beneficial in cases with white scars caused due to poor healing.
- Bhallataka seeds already saturated with cow's urine should be allowed to remain soaked in milk overnight; they should all then be split into two and kept in an iron pot.
- Procedure
- This pot should be put upside down over another pot which is placed in a deep pit, (both should be) joined mouth to mouth and then (the upper one) should be burnt with fire of dry cow dung cakes.
- The physician should slowly collect the oil, which then drops (into the lower pitcher).
- The hoofs of domestic and swampy animals should be burnt and finely powdered; this mixed with the (above) oil should be applied over the white scar of the ulcer.
- Oil from the group of Salsara etc. should also be prepared according to the process of the preparation of bhallataka oil.
- The same procedures (as for bhallataka oil) should be adopted for preparing oil from the fruits.
41) Pardukarma/Savarnikarana (Restoration of normal skin colour of the scar, depigmenting procedures)
- The procedure of whitening is beneficial for those scars, which have turned black due to improper healing.
- The fruit of rohini should be left for seven days in goat's milk and then well pasted with the same.
- This is beneficial in restoring the original colour (of the scar).
- The powders of newly made earthenwares, cane root, Sarja, kasisa and madhuka along should be pasted (for bringing back the original colour).
- The pulp of the kapittha fruit should be taken out and its shell should be filled with goat's urine,
kasisa, gorocana, tuttha, haritala, manahsila, bamboo scrapings,prapunnada and
- It should then be buried for a month in the ground under an Arjuna tree. After a month this should be applied over the black portions of the scar (to bring back the natural colour).
42) Pratisarana (Rubbing by medicinal pills)
- The shell of hen's egg, kataka and madhuka in equal parts along with powders of sea shells and gem stones added to it should be pasted with cow's urine and made into pills, these should be used for rubbing over the lesion.
43) Romasanjanana (encouraging regrowth of hair)
- Application of the paste of burnt ivory powder with rasanjana of good quality will make hair grow even on the palms and the soles.
- If ashes of the skin, hair, hoofs, horns and bones of quadrupeds are dusted over the previously oleated part it again becomes
- Kasisa and leaves of naktamala well pasted in the juice of kapittha is a good recipe of growing hairs.
44) Lomapaharana (depilation)
- Lesions, which are not healing properly due to excess of hairs, should be treated (first) by epilation with a razor or a pair of scissors and forceps.
- Two parts of conch shell powder and one part of haritala pasted with vinegar
(sukta) is beneficial for removing hairs.
- Use the oil of bhallataka together with latex of snuhi for removing hairs nicely.
- Ashes of bananas as well as dirgha vrnta, haritala, bananas,
haritala, seeds of ingudi, mixed together with oil and water and then baked in the sun is a good recipe for
45) Bastikarma (Enema therapy)
- Enema therapy is indicated for ulcers, which are vitiated with vata, are dry and are very painful and specially for those situated in the lower parts of the body.