Swarasa Kalpana [juicy extraction] is the most potent preparation but is heavy for digestion. Some examples of swarasa are Tulsi Swarasa, Ardraka Swarasa, Vasa Putapaka Swarasa, Shyonaka Putapaka Swarasa etc.
Method of Preparation
- When fresh herbs (like leaves) are not available, take 1 part of the herbal leaves and add 2 parts of H2O. Keep this mixture as it is for 24 hours. Then the juice should be extracted after proper grinding and straining through a cloth.
- When the herb (like stem or roots) is hard and dry, take drug in a powdered form. Then take 1 part of drug and add 8 parts of water, and boil till ¼ of the mixture remains. Finally filter it.
- Putapakwa Method, first prepare kalka (paste) of the herb to be used from the clean and healthy part of the plant. Then wrap it in a leaf and tie it with a thread.
Over this, mud should be smeared uniformly for about ¾ thickness. Then it should be dried and baked in Angara kosti yantra (heated in a special earthen pot).
When it becomes red hot, heating should be stopped. Then it must be taken out and allowed to cool. The outer mud layer, leaves etc. should he removed carefully and juice must be extracted by pounding and straining the kalka though a clean cloth. This extracted juice is called as Putapakwa.
- As Swarasa is the most powerful preparation amongst Pancha Vidha Kasaya kalpana, it can be advised as a medication to the patients who have a disease of acute nature but a strong digestive power.
- It can also be used as ‘Anupana’ (after drink). Ex: Adraka, Swarasa, Jambira Swarasa, Tulasi Swarasa etc.
- It can also be used as a bhavana dravya i.e. while preparing mercurial / mineral preparations.
Ex: Bhavana of Tulasi, Ardraka and Dhatura Swarasa to the ingredients of ‘Tribhuvan kirthi pills’.
- It is useful in case of Sodhana and Marana of Rasadravyas (Mineral Preparations).
Ex: Bhringaraja ras for Kasisa Sodhana, Vanga marana with Kumari Swarasa etc.
- Swarasa is also used in the preparation of secondary preparations like Asavaas, Sneha Kalpas, Syrups etc.
Intake of medicines i.e. Dosage
Anagni siddha Swarasa - 24ml. (Drugs which are prepared without the involvement of fire are termed as anagni siddha
Sagni siddha Swarasa - 48 ml. (Drugs which are prepared without the involvement of fire are termed as anagni siddha
Shelf life of these drugs is 24 hrs.