Poorva karma includes the preparatory measures like snehana (oleation) and swedana (fomentation) before the main specific treatment.
According to the Ayurvedic principles, the Panchakarma should not be used until after the administration of oleation and fomentation, which make the body soft and disintegrate the morbid doshas.
Poorvakarma is of three types:
- Pachana karma
- Sneha karma
- Sweda karma
Pachana karma (Digestion therapy) |
Before going to proceed for main therapeutic procedures, pachana karma is essential to digest the undigested substances by means of Deepana and Pachana drugs like, peya (liquid), choorna (powder), quatha etc.
Sneha karma (Oleation therapy) |
Through this process, the body becomes oily and soft. It softens the vitiated doshas. In this therapy, oil is administered through different types of foods, enema or massage.
Digestion improvement, soft stools, lightness of the body and lack of desire for oily substances are the signs of properly administered
Sweda karma (Sudation therapy) |
Procedure to cause perspiration is known as swedana vidhi (sudation therapy). It promotes the penetration of snehana inside the body. Due to svedana, toxins are expelled in form of sweat.
It is a therapy, which removes the stiffness, heaviness, coldness and inflammation of the body.
This process liquefies vitiated doshas to bring them in the kostha. After the oleation therapy, the patient should be administered fomentation.