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 Ayurveda is a complete system of healthcare having a traditional system of medicine.  It is actually derived from two Sanskrit words “ayus” and “ved” meaning life and knowledge respectively It is a complete guide on food and nutrition giving you a glimpse of ancient traditions and practices on such related features like the right time to have food, food for different constitutions of person, effect of wrong type of diet on ones life, information on what to eat and the right way of eating.

A wholesome diet is essential not only for maintaining health but also for fighting diseases. All diseases are caused by aggravation of the three doshas i.e. vata, pitta and kapha which is mainly caused due to the aggravation caused by the intake of improper diet. Intake of proper quantity of food promotes longevity, does not aggravate the doshas, and maintains the digestive capacity.

Ayurveda has in detail provided the type of diet a person should intake depending upon his constitution. Apart from an intake of a wholesome diet one needs to observe some basic rules like food should be consumed only after the digestion of the previous meal, as then it promotes proper digestion, appetite and proper manifestation of the natural urges.

Information regarding food with contradictory potencies is also given that is best avoided. Then the importance of tastes and the power of liquids have also been provided in detail. According to Ayurveda, knowledge of the benefits of food is essential for good health. Apart from this one also needs to follow a disciplined life or atleast avoid habits that are bad for one's health.

The ayurvedic herbs help in promoting harmony of mind and prevent various disorders caused due to wrong dietary regime. Thus Ayurveda plays an important role in enhancing our lives.....



Power of Liquids

Hostile Foods

Unhealthy Diet



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