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Naturopathy itself is a professional therapy including diet, exercise, supplements and hydrotherapy within its field. Some traditions of naturopathic training also link with some of the hands-on professions such as osteopathy or chiropractic, and the practitioners of these later disciplines may advocate other measures to help to restore full health. Hydrotherapy or water cure has a strong tradition in Northern Europe, and is still carried out at centres in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France. Increasingly it is also becoming more widespread in the US.
Foundation of good health
A chair or table can only remain upright when stress is placed, if its four legs are intact and strong. Likewise, if you want ideal health, it is essential that the following four areas be strong:
A positive mental attitude     
1. Our attitude is just like our physical body, that requires constant conditioning to stay fit. Just as you do not find yourself in excellent physical condition after one exercise session, you may not find your self with a positive mental attitude.
2. One should be positive and optimistic towards life as bad things happen to good people. It is not that determines our direction, but our response to the challenges that shapes the quality of our life.
3. Hardships, heartbreaks, disappointments and failures are the fuel for joy, ecstasy, compassion and success. By keeping the attitude positive, one will experience a higher level of health and happiness in life.
A healthy way of exercise, sleep and health habits
If you want to be healthy, simply make healthy choices such as no smoking, find physical activities to enjoy and do them, get a good night’s sleep having fun with your dreams. These simple lifestyle choices have a profound effect on your health and the quality of your life.
A high-quality diet
The human body is one of the major wonders of the universe, therefore, it deserves to be fed a high-quality diet. When a machine does not receive the proper fuel or maintenance, it goes down. Similarly, if your body is not fed the nutrients it needs, it can’t be expected to stay in a state of good health. The health-promoting diet prevents disease, maintaining good health. 
Supplementary measures
Supplementary measures make a dramatic impact on a person’s quality of health and life. It is a primary therapy and simply supporting or promoting good health. Incorporating nutritional supplementary measures in our program of good health is recommended.


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