1. Can you tell me whether bleeding in the first trimester
indicates an abortion?
- It is necessary to rule out the diagnosis of a delayed period. When you present with amenorrhoea (lack of periods) and vaginal bleeding, you may not have conceived in the first place and the delay in period may be due to some hormonal changes if the uterus is of normal size.
Progesterone therapy for regularization of her menstrual cycle (if you do not desire a pregnancy) and Clomiphene citrate (if you desire of pregnancy) should be undertaken. |
2. Are there any warning signs of miscarriage?
- Yes there are warning signs like for example bleeding (anything from a brownish discharge to a period like lobs) should be inspected for immediately. Also cramps or backaches experienced usually during menstruation and loss of morning sickness are signs of a miscarriage. |
3. Is it true that spotting or bleeding means there is a miscarriage?
- No, spotting or bleeding are signs of miscarriage but neither symptom means that a miscarriage is inevitable. In some cases heavy bleeding may settle down and stop, and a scan may show that the foetus is still developing normally. |
4. Are there any chances of further pregnancies after a miscarriage?
- Your likelihood of a successful pregnancy next time round is slightly lower if you have one miscarriage but most women do go on to have healthy pregnancy without any treatment. |
Q 5. Do fibroids cause miscarriage in any way?
- About 20% of women suffer with fibroids (benign growth on the walls of the womb) at some point in their lives. Although most women with fibroids go through perfectly normal pregnancies, a fibroid, which is very large, can cause a miscarriage, as the foetus gets bigger. |